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Understanding and Using Object Complements in English: Gerunds

by happyandgrify 2024. 2. 18.


When it comes to learning English, understanding different sentence structures and parts of speech is essential. In this blog post, we will focus on object complements in the form of gerunds. Object complements are words that come after the direct object and provide more information about the object. Gerunds, a type of verb form ending in -ing, can function as object complements in sentences.

Part 1: Identifying Object Complements in English Sentences

Object complements often follow verbs that describe mental processes like "think," "consider," or "believe." They answer the question "What?" or "Whom?" after the direct object in a sentence. When a gerund is used as an object complement, it provides more detail about the direct object.

Example 1:

She finds painting her passion.

In this sentence, "painting" is a gerund acting as the object complement, providing more information about the direct object "her passion."

Example 2:

He considers reading books a great hobby.

Here, the gerund phrase "reading books" acts as the object complement, describing the direct object "a great hobby."

Part 2: Using Object Complements for Clarity and Precision

Employing gerunds as object complements in your sentences can add depth and specificity to your communication. They help convey your thoughts more clearly and precisely by providing additional information about the direct object.

Example 3:

They find writing essays challenging.

In this example, "writing essays" as the object complement clarifies that the act of writing essays is what they find challenging.

Example 4:

She considers him a trustworthy friend.

Here, the object complement "a trustworthy friend" indicates the quality he possesses in her consideration.


Using gerunds as object complements in English sentences can enhance your writing and speaking skills by providing more detail and clarity. Practice identifying and using object complements in various contexts to improve your language proficiency and communication abilities.

Tips for Learners

  1. Identify verbs that commonly precede object complements, such as "find," "consider," "think," etc.
  2. Practice creating sentences with gerunds as object complements to improve your understanding.
  3. Pay attention to how object complements provide additional information about the direct object in sentences.